About Our Office


Our Office

Since visiting the orthodontist’s becomes a regular commitment, why not make it a fun one?

Why Choose Lawrence Family Orthodontics?

Did you know that 90% of facial growth occurs before the age of twelve? That is the same age at which the last few permanent teeth erupt into the mouth. Our orthodontists believe in EARLY treatment in order to capture this growth period.  Traditional orthodontics that begins after the eruption of the permanent teeth usually requires the extraction of premolars, and then moves the remaining teeth into alignment.  The patient has straight teeth and a more attractive lip line and smile, but the extractions compromise the integrity or the jaws and the bite as well as causing trouble in maintaining the correction.

Preventative orthodontics (early treatment) can be initiated for very young patients to prevent abnormal jaw development and create space for the permanent teeth before they erupt. our team likes to see children as early as possible to assess whether the jaws are growing properly. Because of thumb-sucking, mouth-breathing or just genetic predisposition, children sometimes require an unobtrusive appliance, which the child forgets about within 72 hours after placement.. This appliance will guide the growth of a weak chin into a normal sized lower jaw and similar appliance prevent protrude upper and lower jaws. With the use of these appliances in early treatment a patient can avoid such problems as a gummy smile, crossbite, overbite, crowding of teeth, and speech development problems. Early treatment enables the permanent teeth to erupt into an uncrowded space without needed extractions.

Besides preventing abnormal facial growth and creating a beautiful smile, Dr. Eric Lawrence also relieves facial pain and/or headaches that are caused by TMJ dysfunction by several means that includes a night appliance patented by Dr. Lawrence.

We practice MODERN orthodontics and want you to know that everyone, including our orthodontists, their own families, and staff (most of who are in braces or whom he has already treated orthodontically) can benefit from modern orthodontics at ANY age.

Bracing your smile for a beautiful future

Dr. Eric Lawrence graduated from Case Western Reserve University School of Dentistry and earned his certification in Orthodontics and Oro-facial Orthopedics from Emory University School of Dentistry. He is dedicated to providing his patients with the most current and advanced care available. Dr. Lawrence has specialized training in orthodontic care for youth and adults, surgical orthodontics, TMJ disorders, and Oro-facial Orthopedics. Dr. Lawrence has been practicing for 30 years.

Dr. Zachary Lawrence is committed to expanding access to orthodontic care across the globe, including his local community in northeast Ohio. He is passionate about continuing education and offers a wealth of knowledge to be shared with others. During his residency, Dr. Zack took initiative to learn the ins and outs of digital orthodontics. He became an expert in 3D printing, digital bracket placement and in-house aligner design.

Ready to Schedule An Appointment?

Call us at: 440-449-1550

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